Career Coaching For Nannies
Nannies offer so much of themselves to their work, emotionally and mentally. Coaching sessions are an excellent way to recharge, get inspired, and make sure you are headed in the right direction.
These individual sessions are a great way to get help with:
Drawing up a nanny-contract to suit your career
Creating a professional resume
Planning a career that will lead to financial stability
Troubleshooting issues with current families
You might be interested in enrolling in the self-paced Career Skills for Nannies course first, as this will cover many of the above topics, and then you can schedule a coaching session for an individualized connection.
You can book a phone session or an in-person meeting (see the service area).

Nanny Training For Families

Would you like your nanny to learn more about child development and responsive caregiving? A one-on-one coaching session can help. Coaching sessions can cover topics such as:
trouble-shooting difficult toddler behaviors
getting everyone on the same page with sleep routines
helping a nanny used to older children prepare to care for your new baby
establishing a routine of peaceful observation
helping nannies understand the sequence of natural gross motor development
showing your nanny the value of sensitive, cooperative caregiving routines like diapering
​The goal is always to increase alignment between your style of parenting and the nanny's style of caregiving.
One-on-one nanny coaching goes as follows:
You schedule an initial consult to share what you know about your nanny and what you would like them to learn.
We schedule time with your nanny. For in-person visits (see the service area), this can include observation their work and providing training while they are on the job.
After each session, we will check in and discuss your nanny's progress, and how their goals align with your own.
You can schedule one session or as many as suits the needs of your family. In-person visits can encompass all three elements in a single day or half-day.